Purchase guide of Portable thermal printer

   1. Portable thermal printer character set: the user needs the character set may not be exactly the same, and some only need a number, and some need English, and some need Chinese characters, one-dimensional code, two-dimensional code, buy time to pay attention The required character set.
   2. Portable thermal printer Dimensions and weight: If it is placed in a fixed place on the printer, then as long as the space is enough, portable thermal printer size and weight are not too much to consider, and if it is required to carry the print, you must Consider the portable thermal printer dimensions and weight.
   3. Portable printer power: Now portable thermal printer has two power supply, one is the use of external power supply, the other is the use of rechargeable batteries, if it is the use of regulated power supply, power quality is high, if it is used Rechargeable battery, to take into account the life of the rechargeable battery, a charge can be used and the rechargeable battery can be easily removed, especially for outdoor users, if a charge can be used for too short, then the battery life will be very less. If the battery is not easy to disassemble, then the outdoor if the battery power consumption, then the printer is no way to use.
   4. Portable thermal printer paper magazine size: If the user is used frequently, then consider the size of the paper roll, frequent replacement of the roll is a matter of other people hate.
   5. Print width and print the amount of data: print the width of the best print the number of characters per line to trace, such as the same 57mm paper width, and more can print 24 characters, less can only play 10 characters, this According to the needs of users to determine which kind of choice.
   6. Supplies: thermal printer and needle with the supplies are not the same, so the same diameter of a roll of paper, thermal printing paper length, but expensive, the needle hit the paper short, but cheap, if according to print the same amount of data Look, the consumption of both on the printing paper is almost, but the needle also need to consume ribbons, so, in general, the thermal printer consumes supplies to be cheaper.
   7. The use of convenience: This may be a lot of buyers to ignore the problem, the use of the main performance in a variety of LED lights instructions, voice prompts, key function design, paper (thermal printer in this area may have Advantage, and now a lot of thermal printers are clamshell loading paper way, you can very quickly and quickly change the paper, and the needle from the print machine on the principle of the restrictions, can not do this), these users have to experience their own The.
   8. Other special requirements: there are some users will have special requirements, such as printing bar code, print graphics, etc., you can choose from different manufacturers of different products.


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