The significance of dining POS machine

Commercial POS machines only need to strictly manage the inventory and reduce inventory can save a lot of liquidity, and the restaurant industry must be kitchen, bar, lobby three departments unified management, in order to avoid material waste and loss. In addition, the restaurant industry to take customers to pay the first payment after the service, from the beginning of a transaction to the final checkout takes a long time, during the processing of vegetables, but also to return, change, discount, multi-table unified checkout and other complex operations. And ordinary cash registers can only handle single-handedly pay, single-handed delivery, that is, pay-to-pay collection, its function can not meet the needs of the catering industry. Therefore, the special dining cashier must have the account management or table management functions, the formation of a special restaurant collection system to address the restaurant industry in the process of the problems and loopholes in the process to improve the efficiency and management of the restaurant Level. 


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