The advantages of using wireless POS machine

1. Strong mobility As the wireless POS machine through the GSM network to transmit data, so as long as the GSM network coverage can be used, not by location, telephone line restrictions. In addition, the Android POS machine compact, easy to carry, so that businesses from the counter service into mobile services, so that consumers fully feel the convenience of credit card spending, fashion and fast.

2. Connect faster. Traditional telephone dial-up connection Each time the communication must be re-dial, and the connection takes 5 to 8 seconds. According to the test GPRS each connection time is less than 2 seconds, and after the connection can be "always online".

3. Fast transmission speed. Traditional dial-up transmission rate is generally 9600bps, and GPRS current test rate of 30kbps or more, up to 171.2kbps.

4. Easy to install, easy to operate. Wireless POS machines do not need to use the telephone line, eliminating the need for technical personnel to the scene to install debugging trouble. Moreover, many wireless POS machines using a menu-like operation, simple and clear, basically no need to train the user.

5. Network scalability. Android POS machines do not need telephone lines, businesses can be based on the development of their own business needs to increase the number of POS at any time, without having to consider the capacity of their own telephone lines.

6. Lower communication costs. GPRS can be charged by data traffic, much lower than the cost of traditional dial-up, especially as a large customer or partner, can be used in monthly or year-on-year, the use of the cost can be lower.

7. Wide range of applications. Wireless POS machines provide convenient settlement tools and settlement for merchants. It is the best choice for schools, hotels, hotels, shopping malls, aviation, traffic fines, on-site charges, mobile sales and logistics distribution.

8. Flexible support for multiple data applications. GPRS not only supports frequent and small burst data services, but also supports large amounts of data business.


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