Function of Handy Terminal in Enterprise Production Management

     In production management, the bar code allows the product from the source to the production process and then to the factory of the whole process are clear and transparent, improve management efficiency.
     Bar code can play a decisive role, from the primary packaging of individual products to the box, box and other secondary packaging and even pallet and other carton packaging, the stacking of these layers of packaging hierarchy, there is no bar code throughout the entire supply chain, Tracking the traceability system on the lack of foundation. Product in the circulation process, the packaging of the hierarchical relationship has been broken, with the bar code after the staff can use the handheld terminal on any level of packaging to scan, keep abreast of product specific information, name, origin, production time and reach the place After the logistics link. When information is needed to recall a product, this information will help the manufacturer to target the recall.
     Enterprises can rely on Handy Terminal to scan the bar code information system established to improve production, distribution and storage management efficiency. Through the scanning of the Handy Terminal, the information base will record the specific production time of the product, packaging content and other information, to achieve a single or multiple production lines of production efficiency of accurate monitoring. For enterprises concerned about the shelf life of goods, the bar code contains the shelf-life date and other information, but also to help these enterprises to control the inventory situation and the timely arrangement of shelves.
     Through the Handy Terminal scanning bar code program if a wide range of popularization of enterprise information process will play a significant role in promoting, managers will be able to easily control the production of real-time situation, improve management convenience.


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