Handy Terminal help food and drug regulation

      Food and drug supervision is inseparable from the retrospective system, Handy Terminal as a traceability system in the data collection tool, will play an important role in food and drug regulation. If equipped with Handy Terminals, regulators can clearly see the raw materials of food and drug sources, production links, storage and the final sale of the library, this will establish a whole industry chain of traceability system database, so that each link clearly visible, Once the problem, will be able to trace the source at any time to find the source of the problem, which will be the direction of multi-party efforts.

      Innovation-driven development is an important basis for ensuring food and drug safety, food and drug regulatory system to thoroughly implement the "planning" requirements, and vigorously promote the food and drug safety technology innovation system, focus on improving food and drug safety technology innovation, and actively create a good Innovation in the ecological environment, in the process, the Handy Terminal will serve as a basic tool to help food and drug regulation.


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