Restaurant cash registers should have the features

When to buy restaurant cash register, understand the various brands, models, features, these functions can meet the management requirements of the restaurant. The following is the function of the restaurant cash register should have: hotel restaurant cash registers
1. Management table account function: the restaurant with the cash register necessary functions. With this feature, the cash register can be any of the front office of the table to manage, including increase, delete, change and other operations.
2. The whole character function: with more than two characters (7000 Chinese characters) of the cash register, all dishes can be printed out.
3. Automatic classification discounts: Restaurant cash registers or service charge or discount, discount features different. Usually the general restaurant restaurants for drinks, seafood is not discounted, and the cashier can not increase or decrease in the menu for each dish for each dish for discount, but at the checkout one-time discount. Therefore, the cash register in the final check discount, you can automatically delete the drinks and other non-discount varieties. Automatic classification discount function is set for this purpose.
4. The waiter function: should be able to count the sales of the waiter, and even each waiter who has opened what dishes. This feature is designed for restaurant management commission, wages, bonuses set.
5. The transfer function: This feature in the customer exchange tables or more than one table by the end of the table when the automatic transfer, to avoid confusion in the accounting cross.
6. The kitchen printer: cash registers should be able to connect the kitchen printer, the kitchen hit by the kitchen or burn the Ministry of wax directly print out the menu to replace the manual to walk alone, streamlining attendants, improve serving speed. The menu printed on the kitchen printer can be compared to the cash register report in front of the counter to check the status of materials used in each department.
7. The paper printer: As a grade of the restaurant symbol or advertising requirements, high-end restaurants generally use their own special triple or five large Zhang checkout. The cash register is connected to a ticket printer, and the final bill information is printed on the bill to the customer.

8. That function: the kitchen printer can tell the customer's special requirements of various departments. For example: do not put sugar, less put pepper.


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