choose electronic scales for Fruit industry

Fruit shop operating fruit types are generally more, the price advantage needs to change at any time, which makes it difficult for the operator to remember the price of each fruit, if the small fruit stalls, it does not need so hard, just a simple Can only load the weight of the general choice of the most common electronic scale products, if small and medium-sized fruit supermarkets need to be carefully considered, and generally we will choose the electronic price scale type, the product belongs to a class of electronic scales, the reaction is more sensitive , But it is too cumbersome to operate, because some fruit may be revised several times a day price. Some bosses do not like this every day by fruit prices to the customer to weigh, so we strongly recommend that you use the electronic bar code scale, the product can enter the price number, the operator can only need to compare, convenient and fast The Some supermarkets use POS cash registers and electronic bar code scales to use, this method is more effort.


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