Precautions of Supermarket electronic barcode scale

Electronic barcode label scale use a wide range of fruit shops, supermarkets, delicatessens and other industries we can see the product of the figure, now with the rapid economic development, electronic barcode label scale brand does not increase, through various channels We can find a lot of manufacturers to advertise, for the advantages of the product listed one by one, but no one is willing to say the use of the product attention, many users want to understand this knowledge, in Baidu search for no fruit , And finally call the Advisory easy to Mai software, easy to step software today to sum up the use of supermarket bar code scale note, hoping to help to use the user.
1, electronic barcode scale should be done before all ready to work (including a good power supply, plug the power plug), and then turn on the machine power switch, is strictly prohibited in the case of no plug the plug;
2, the supermarket barcode label scale after use must turn off the product, before the supermarket closes to check whether the host power is turned off, and then go to the supermarket's total power;
3, the barcode label scale to do a regular cleaning work, under normal circumstances, within a month to clean one or two times, and keep the electronic bar code scale environment neat, if the best in the vegetable area after the cover Random attached dust bag;
4, electronic barcode label scale print thermal head to regular cleaning, after the power supply with the manufacturer of cleaning fluid and cleaning pen to clean the print head surface;
5, barcode label scale failure to find a professional supplier of technical staff overhaul, can not boot without repair, otherwise there are other problems manufacturers are not responsible.


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