Teach you how to to choose pos machine

(A) Android POS appropriate business: a special mobile credit card demand and regulate the business of the business. Such as: logistics companies, exhibition companies, teaching and training companies.
(B) the top of the POS machine business: wholesale market merchants, five cards can have a telephone line, credit card fees can be closed settlement. Such as: 100 Rong clothing wholesale market, the West trade auto with the city.
(C) individual households POS machine suitable business: individual industrial and commercial business license or individual sole proprietorship business license business. Such as: individual clothing store, individual beauty shop and so on.
(D) fixed POS machine suitable business: the company legal business license, five card or individual business license business license, no mobile credit card needs, guests come to spend and credit card. There may be a telephone line or cable.
        the network dialing method, dial-up speed; POS trading liquidation comparison is simple; defects are: demand connection operation, the guests demand to the cash register to pay the bill. Applicable to the integration of the project business. Such as: supermarkets, convenience stores, hospitals and so on.
(E) foreign card POS machine suitable business: foreign guests living or spending a specific surrounding area business, five card completely, not only to support UnionPay logo card, VASA card, Mastercard, American Express card, JCB and so on. Such as: senior dining, hotels and so on.
(F) pre-authorized POS machine suitable business: high-level hotels, hotels, hotels, car hire, other professional POS machine is simply impossible to register pre-authorized function.
(G) network line POS machine suitable business: a fixed workplace, and can not install the telephone line business, only registered network business, POS machine to send credit card, just connect the network cable can swipe card costs. (Eight) savings card POS machine: the right business: a single amount of trading compared to large, and credit card spending is simply CUP savings card, the savings card POS function tailored for such businesses,
Can be shielded from the credit card function alone, and together to brush the savings card fee to the maximum extent


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