Application range of cash register scale

Most of the consumers will be the cash register inside the supermarket that is a cash register scale, in fact, is not, large-scale shopping malls internal cash register equipment, are separate computer system cash register, without weighing function, it is only And other weighing equipment networking, so the checkout, you can mark the data on the goods to identify the cash register.
   We see most of the cash register scale is probably a small shop, and these places is different from large supermarkets, small stores, customers are not many, so the use of a single cash register scale is the most cost-effective, of course, there will be small shops to use the table Weighing after weighing, and then use the cash register silver cash register, but this situation is rare. Cash register scales are also used in the food market and a number of small stores, such as bakeries, fruit shops and grocery stores, etc., these small goods weighing stores, use cash register scales is the best way, but also the most economical way of saving manpower and money. Cash register scales can not only weighing, but also a direct cash register, with the two functions.
   And we see the cash register in the supermarket equipment, weighing and cash register will be completely different functions of the two functions, because the supermarket goods within the small shop for small, so the need to use bar code printing scales for classification number , So as to be cash register to identify the cash register. However, from the use of range, the use of cash register scale is quite broad, most of the small stores are using cash register scales.


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