Features of kitchen receipt printer

Small size, anti-moisture, dust-proof; with a hard font and automatic cutter; reel-type tape, and automatic paper and paper alarm display. In this way, the waiter just open a small ticket to pay to the bar of the cashier, the cashier will enter the details of the cash register, a small ticket on the cold dishes, noodles from the cold room between the kitchen printer to print out, Hot dishes from the chef's printer to print out, and can also explain the guests of the special requirements of the dishes (such as: do not put sugar, less put pepper, etc.). A kitchen printer can manage multiple stoves or kitchens. Similarly, the customer back vegetables, for food is also sent out through the kitchen printer, marked with a significant red. Thus eliminating the waiter to cook the menu back to the process, to accelerate the speed of transmission of food. Especially the location of the houch from the foyer far from the case, the waiter did not have to Houchu, after the kitchen kitchen printer to play the menu for the production basis. This approach also eliminates the restaurant's internal fraud, save the waiter a lot of time to provide better service for the guests. Combined with the kitchen print records, but also control the kitchen materials situation.
Kitchen printer print out the tape to record the time of each order, the restaurant according to the overall time to strictly control the speed of the dish. For example: the provisions of the general food dishes to seven minutes, if the guests because of other food time is too long complaints, restaurant managers can be based on the tape to determine the time to avoid the kind of slow service in the past, Small ticket lost after the departments to shirk responsibility for each other things happen.


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