How to choose POS machine

(A) Android POS for businesses: a special mobile credit card needs and have formal business premises of the business. Such as: logistics enterprises, exhibition enterprises, education and training enterprises.

(B) capping POS cash register for businesses: wholesale market merchants, five cards complete with a telephone line, credit card handling fees can be capped settlement. Such as: 100-clothing wholesale market, the West International Auto Parts City, and so on.

(C) self-employed POS machines for businesses: individual business license or individual business-owned business nature of the business license. Such as: individual clothing stores, individual beauty shops.

(D) fixed POS machine for business: corporate business license, five certificates or individual industrial and commercial business license, no mobile credit card demand, the customer-site consumption and credit card. There are telephone lines or a network cable can be. the network dial-up, dial-up fast; POS transaction settlement easier; drawback is: the need for connection operation, the guests need to pay the checkout to the cashier. Applicable to the integration of the project transformation business. Such as: supermarkets, convenience stores, hospitals and so on.

(E) foreign card POS cash register for businesses: foreign guests living or consumption of specific peripheral area businesses, five cards complete, not only to support the UnionPay tag card, VASA card, Mastercard, American Express, JCB and so on. Such as: high-end restaurants, hotels and so on.

(F) pre-authorized POS cash register for businesses: luxury hotels, hotels, hotels, car rental industry, other industries POS machine is almost impossible to open pre-authorization function.

(G) network line POS cash register for businesses: a fixed office space, and can not install the telephone line of business, only the opening of the network business, POS machine to start the card, as long as the connection line card credit card spending.

(H) savings card POS machine: for businesses: a single transaction amount is relatively large, and almost all credit card spending UnionPay savings card, savings card POS function tailored for such businesses can be a separate credit card function, and at the same time Brush card savings fees reduced to the maximum extent


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