The difference between restaurant cash register and supermarket cash register

We all know that each industry has its own appropriate POS cash register, some customers asked, supermarkets, POS cash registers, restaurants can use it? If from the simple cash register function, it can be universal, but from the professional and applicability point of view, only the corresponding cash register software is more appropriate.

From the most basic set of goods, the supermarket products are generally used to identify bar code products, in a single commodity will not have too many settings. Catering industry, fewer products, but more of a single product set, such as a cup of Coke, will distinguish between the big cup, cup, cup. Tea, then it will be cold, hot, add pearls and so on.

From the cash register software functions, the supermarket cash register in the promotion is relatively simple, single, most of the promotions are man-made to control. The restaurant cash register, the more diversified in the promotion, such as buying 5 get 1, spending 50 yuan to send 5 yuan drinks and other functions. Because many supermarket goods, supermarket cash registers used by the hard drive, the capacity is relatively large, and generally will choose 500G mechanical hard drive. The restaurant, the use of 32G solid-state hard drive, the capacity is sufficient to use, and can increase the POS cash register running speed.

Different industries, the use of the POS cash register accessories will be different, like the supermarket will use bar code scanning gun, and the catering industry will need to use the kitchen printer.

Summary of the above points, in the choice of POS cash register, as far as possible to buy their own industry, a dedicated cash register software, the price is less the same, for the cash register in order to make the shop more smooth and convenient.


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